Monday, July 29, 2013

Getting Rid of the Baby Weight!

So it has been five days since I started my diet and I've lost a total of five pounds!!  I still have a long way to go and I hope to get within 10 pounds of my goal weight by the end of the year but the Crossfit workouts are really helping.  Everyday is a trial and error to find what foods I can eat and still lose weight while breastfeeding because I have notice my milk supply dropping since I've started working out regularly.   However, since Ethan hasn't been gaining much weight, we have been supplementing with formula for the last two months so the drop in milk supply hasn't been an issue.
In order to keep up with my progress at Crossfit, I am going to start logging my daily WOD with my time/reps.  Here is what we did today...
WOD 7/29-
50 Dbl Unders
9 V Ups
9 KB Swings (20#)
50 Dbl Unders
15 V Ups
15 KB Swings
50 Dbl Unders
21 V Ups
21 KB Swings

Time: 10:00 min

And finally, here is my little man who turned 5 Months yesterday!! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

4 Month Photos!

A friend of mine here on the island is an amateur photographer and offered to take some of me and Ethan for his 4 month pics this last week and they turned out amazing!!  I can't wait for her to take some more!  I might have to get a nice camera as well and take up photography.  I couldn't ask for a better subject matter...
"Don't mind the naked baby in the basket in the park.  Nothing to see here."

The locals thought we were strange.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Baby Weight Resolution

It has been 4.5 months since I had Ethan and I have reached a plateau with losing the baby weight.  Of the 30 lbs I gained, I have lost 20 lbs (all within the first 3 weeks) but haven't been able to lose any more.  I've been watching my food and exercising more but I haven't seen any noticeable results.  Off and on for the last few weeks, I have started doing CrossFit workouts and they are intense!  I have to pull myself together and attend regular workouts so I can hopefully see the scale go down.
I honestly thought losing the baby weight would be easy if I was exclusively breastfeeding but alas that was not the case.  I was overweight when I got pregnant and now with the baby weight, I am getting desperate to lose the weight.
As I continue down this weight loss journey, I will keep updates on my workouts, diets, and whatever else seems to work for me.  My goal is to get within 10 lbs of my goal weight by the end of the year so wish me luck!
On a completely unrelated note, here are a couple of photos from last week-
Enjoying a nice Sunday lunch with my boys 
I can't get over how cute this little boy of mine is!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Photo Dump

We've been having so much fun this summer, I thought I would highlight some of the photos from my iPhone to share.

Trying to beat the heat at our 4th of July squadron BBQ 

Mommy's little helper

Such a turkey!
I can't believe my boy is getting so big.  It's true what they say, they really do grow up so fast!

This week's milestone was starting cereal mixed with breastmilk.  Ethan was a little unsure of it the first day but I think he really started to enjoy it by Day 3.  So far we are only doing cereal at one feeding per day.  I still mostly breastfeed and supplement one meal with formula, don't want him to grow up too fast!  He will only be this age once.  The doctor said we can start purees at 6 months so I went out and bought a small food processor to experiment.