Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May Days

It is so funny blogging, I never know how to start a post or what to call it :)  I have never been good at writing or keeping a journal but I'll eventually figure it out.  
Ethan is 11 weeks today and is an absolutely perfect baby.  Now I know this can change at any time but for now I will enjoy what an amazing baby he is.  Around the time he was 8 or 9 weeks old he put himself on his own schedule.  The book The Baby Whisperer calls it the EASY schedule, E is for eating, A is for activity, S is sleep, and Y is you.  Every three hours, like clockwork, Ethan has been following this schedule.  He will eat, then play on his activity mat or jumperoo for around 45 mins then he will show signs of being tired and will go down for a 1 - 1.5 hr nap which gives me time to clean the house, craft, or whatever else I want to do.  I will enjoy it for as long as I can :)
Here is a photo my first Mother's Day.  DH got me some beautiful roses and a ballon and took me out to lunch.  It was the perfect day as we spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled up at home (we even got to take a nap!)

Next on the iPhone photo dump is a great picture of a boy and his dog.  Ada is happy to sit and pose for a picture, she can hardly contain her excitement.  I just love Ethan's little faces he makes all day, it melts my heart.

Now I just had to include this silly picture.  This was when he discovered his tongue and that he could stick it out at people... such a turkey!

More pictures and adventures to come!

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