Saturday, April 27, 2013

Has it really been two months??

My little boy is two months tomorrow and I can't believe how time flies.  I know it's cliche but it seems like only a few days ago we were bringing him home from the hospital.  Each and everyday more of his personality is starting to show and we are realizing we have a pretty chill baby on our hands.  We have taken him everywhere with us, trying to expose him to as many things as possible.   
DH and I consider ourselves blessed to have such a perfect baby in our lives and can't wait for the many more adventures to come.
One month old 
Earlier this month Ethan attended his 1st "First Friday" at the Bat Cave and had a great time.  He has been to a couple playdates, getting to meet all the new babies around the squadron and making new friends.  He was an allstar at Warrior Banquet where, despite the loud noise, he was happy as a clam and didn't fuss at all the entire night.
Not sure if he loves or fears Sparky aka Papa in a Rooster Costume
Ethan's First Easter
DH and I consider ourselves blessed to have such a perfect baby in our lives and can't wait for the many more adventures to come.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ethan has made his arrival...

I know it has been over a month but I am so happy to say that he is finally here!  After four false alarms and 15 hours of labor we welcomed Ethan Ray into the world February 28th at 7:46 pm weighing 7 lbs 1.4 oz and 21 in long!!!
It all started at 4am when I began having very noticeable, painful contractions.  After timing them for 4 hours, we made the decision to go to the hospital around 9.  DH was thinking this was another false alarm but I had a feeling it was the real thing because it was so damn painful.  We get to the hospital and I am put in the triage room where after checking me out, the Dr. determines I am only 4cm dilated (apparently you have to be at a 5 to be admitted) and tells me to go home and come back in a couple of hours.  Mind you, I had 3 contractions just getting dressed so I knew this wasn't going to be a fun ride home.  Sure enough, we barely get back to base and while driving around trying to kill time, I get a wave of nausea immediately throw up on myself in the car.  After going home and cleaning up, we head back to the hospital because at this point I cannot handle the pain any longer.  The Dr. says I haven't progressed any but they would check me in to give me some morphine for the pain but while they are checking vitals and doing paperwork, I finally make it to a 5 and they bypass the morphine and go straight for the epidural Thank the Lord!  By 1 pm I was sitting pretty comfortable and even got a nap in.  It wasn't until 7 when I began pushing and 46 minutes later Ethan come out with little trouble and no interventions.  The Dr. remarked at how once he got in the room, it was three pushes and the baby was out!  Ethan came out a perfectly healthy and very alert baby and momma and papa were very happy.  
Ethan has been such a joy to our lives, filling a space we didn't even know was missing.  Watching him grow more and more each day is such an amazing experience, it makes the cluster feedings and sleep deprivation all worth it.