Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Daddy's Home!!!

DH finally came home from his "Guamazing" trip and we couldn't be happier.  Even though I kept myself busy (Does watching 8 seasons of Grey's Anatomy count??) I did miss talking to my best friend everyday.  These little trips are good for us though, what is the saying "distance makes the heart grow fonder"?  It keeps the relationship fresh and new and prevents falling into a rut. 
I tried to keep up with the photos everyday but that didn't happen but here's what I got off my iPhone.  I'll load the ones from my computer later...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Missing Daddy Project

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Unfortunately, I forgot :(

                                                                           Day 6

Friday, August 9, 2013

5 Months Revisited

So, I completely forgot about the 5 month update with a picture...  I'm beginning to think pregnant brain is becoming a chronic problem :)  I've also decided that while DH is on "vacation" I'm going to take a selfie with Ethan everyday he is gone so he can still feel connected to us while he is so far away.  Enjoy!

5 Months
I Love: playing with my feet, laughing, sucking on my hands, rolling from side to side to see what is going on, splashing around in the bath tub, and sitting in the ocean with mama at the beach.
Now I Can: almost roll from my back to my tummy, make sounds like "ma-ma", eat oatmeal, scoot around the floor on my back to see things, finally touch the ground in my jumperoo, and wear 3-6 month clothes. 

Missing Daddy Day 1

Day 2
photo bomb courtesy of Blitz

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August Update

August is the month where my workouts and diet take it to the next level.  DH is off on a vacation for most of the month and it gives me time to regroup and get my shit together.  I plan on going back to the states in September and I don't want to be carrying around all this extra weight.  
Today was another exhausting workout in the middle of this Okinawa heat/humidity.  I don't know how the locals deal with this heat, I saw a woman today in a turtleneck, jeans, and stockings under the jeans.  I almost had a heat stroke FOR her.  
Anyways, neither here nor there, here is the workout we did today with my time posted below:

August 8, 2013 WOD

Run 400m


3 rounds of:

12 Ring Dips

8 Strict Pull-ups


Run 400m

Time- 13:35

Here's the photo of the day: Ada getting her cuddles on with her favorite little man.  They are going to be best friends.